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Welcome Aboard!

Okay - so here we go! Welcome aboard - to the “Ahab” Blog. I will update this as frequently as I am able to do so. I just had two weeks intercession from work and school, and I was able to complete (well, at least get my parts completed) four songs! So now we are at fourteen songs altogether - granted not all of them are in their final form, but they are definitely skeletal and some are nearly completed.

I've downloaded a program entitled, "RapidWeaver" and am running it through its paces. It's a slick little program that allows me to create decent looking web pages. I'm just patiently waiting for the great Dana Augustine's artwork so I can design the web site around it. I've uploaded most of the music tracks to William's FTP site to enable him to add his parts and for Kenny to add Chapman Stick. I will be giving young Anthony songs as well to allow him to add his parts. Steven has been helping/critiquing/being mean about the lyrics, but truthfully, he has helped shape most of the lyrics into something that I am very happy with.

Fourteen skeletal songs have been recorded so far, and I'm pretty happy with how things are coming along. I've sent "seed songs" out to Pete and Mike to get their opinions on them, and I've had Joey and Jen listen as well. Pete and Mike have given me some very honest and helpful suggestions and criticisms. They are two of my dearest and closest friends whose musical input I would not be able to live without. Joey's input has been indispensable. Mary Ann has been doing her sewing while I've been recording and writing - she's been wonderful about all of this, and she's given me excellent input on the material as well.

There are some very exciting things afoot - some of which I cannot put here as they are in progress and I don't want to jinx them! Stay tuned!


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