Ahab Near Completion
Yes, as amazing as it may seem, Ahab is nearly finished! Anthony and I got together last night and put the finishing touches on the songs. “Finishing touches?” you ask - yes - EQ’ing and mastering the songs. We also decided to drop “The Unrepresentable Understanding of Being” as it just was not one of the better songs and made the album appear to be longer than necessary. The whole thing comes to just over 45 minutes and 17 songs.
Also, I received the cover from Mike Carr - and it is magnificent! I’m sending it off to George and Judith for final approval. I’ve emailed Mike my changes to the liner notes (and there were many!!). I also gave him suggestions and some minor changes that were caught by “eagle eye” Mary Marriott.
And so the next few days will determine when this thing is released -
Stay tuned...