Heavy Editing
So I paid the $50.00 to purchase the full version of "RapidWeaver" and I'm going full steam on getting the lyrics and supplemental content up to the web site. I really like this program - it's powerful and easy to use.
On the music front, Billy sent me more guitar tracks, this time for "A Song for Starbuck", and as usual, they are excellent and fit the song perfectly. I sent out seed songs of the near final title track, "Ahab" to Pete, Mike and Kathie and most people in AZ and received very positive responses all around. Must be doing something right!
I started working with some Pro Tools plugins that Anthony has and was blown away by them. I will be using them for the remaining songs including "The Chase", which I'm currently writing. The software is amazing.
I start school again January 28th - I'll be taking an online statistics class (ugh!) -- not looking forward to that! Hopefully it won't slow things down.
Stay tuned,