The Odd Pequod II
As it turns out, Pete was not wild about “The Pequod.” That’s okay - you can’t win ‘em all. Besides, after knowing him for 35 years or something like that, one of the traits I admire most is his honesty, which, from a song writing perspective is very important.
Let’s face it, if your friends don’t tell you what they really think of your songs, then they’re not your friends. You see, Pete and I go way back to Junior High School, and have been close friends ever since. We met on the way to detention (overall we were really good kids - really).
Of course, music is nothing if not subjective. So you’ll need to listen to the song and come to your own conclusion. Isn’t that one of the concepts Melville teaches us in Moby Dick?
Oh yeah - here are his comments:
I would have to say that, overall, this is not one of my favorites by far to be honest. Actually i just don't like it as a song I guess. I think what made me focus so much on the steel drum thing was more a blatant dislike for it than anything else-it's not that I didn't like the song-specifically-because of it. It's just that it happened to be the one quality about a song i wasn't nuts about which I disliked most.
For me, this type of melody was never appealing-it kind of compares stylistically to the chorus of Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic by The Police- a song I always detested but was a huge hit and loved by a lot of people...I just happen to be one of those that didn't "get" it-and this song, for me, falls into that same category. I also think it's way over-produced taking away any charm it might have had (again, this is all a matter of taste)-a song like this, I would "tolerate" (in blatant lack of a better term) much more so if it was just you singing it with a ukulele accompanied by the basic thump of a bass drum or something. Just very overproduced. As always, not words to be set in stone-just another opinion.
Stay tuned,
