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The Iron Way Receives A Big Hooray

Okay - so there are songs that you work on that are elusive and strange. In fact, there are some that you think no one will ever really like. “The Iron Way” is Ahab’s soliloquy. It is Ahab’s chance to justify his well, odd behavior.

I wrote the song using the Mark of the Unicorn’s Orchestral Sample program - that is - I wrote the music. I added some underlying arpeggios that sound somewhat like a harp. After adding the vocals I listened back and was not sure what people would think. Thankfully, everyone really likes the song so far. Here are some comments:

Pete: “Tony..........I absolutely love it.”

Anthony: “Nice job! I love it. This is some of your best stuff yet. This album is gonna be awesome.”

Mike: “Loved this haunting tune. Really adds to the atmosphere of the CD. Can't wait to hear more.”

So there you have it. Sometimes you’re just dead wrong about a song. That would be me.

Stay tuned,


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