Location: CHINA
It is an honor to meet the Master
I will hear your wisdom NOW!
You will teach me in the ways of spirit
And my kingdom of Turfan NOW! NOW! NOW!
Your journey ends at Turfan
There will be no leaving now
You will be my personal guide in wisdom
There will be no more journey NOW! NOW! NOW!
Your attempt to thwart my will
Will be met with anger's shout!
You will be my obedient servant
Your journey is not allowed!
Instrumentation and vocals: Tony Garone
Music and lyrics by Tony Garone ©2013
In this song, Xuanzang encountered the impetuous King of Turfan, who, although he was a practicing Buddhist, was also demanding and insisted Xuanzang remain in his kingdom and abandon his quest. The king wanted Xuanzang to be his personal spiritual guide but Xuanzang would have nothing of this as his thirst for the authentic Buddhist doctrine compelled him to continue on to India. As a result, he went on a hunger strike to help the King understand his dedication to his quest. On the fourth day the king finally gave in and let Xuanzang continue on his journey.
Xuanzang promised to stay in Turfan for a month and preach to the people of Turfan. The king gave Xuanzang 24 servants 50 horses and wrote 24 sealed letters to each kingdom throughout Central Asia. Additionally, he gave Xuanzang 500 pieces of gold that he might be able to pay off the many bandits awaiting him on the Silk Road.