The Journey Begins...
Tony Garone’s musical homage to the 10,000 mile journey of the 7th century Buddhist monk, Xuanzang. The music is drawn from the ancient cultures of China, Persia and India.
Who was Xuanzang?
Xuanzang (pronounced, Juan-tsang), was a devout Buddhist monk from 7th century China who found discrepancies in Chinese Buddhist scriptures of his time. Because he was a deeply devout monk with a meticulous, discerning mind, he decided to leave the city of Chang'an and make the journey to India. Once there he would find the original, complete and accurate Buddhist scriptures and return to China. This would forever eliminate the inaccuracies and discrepancies of the texts in China.
Xuanzang knew that he was to embark on a long and perilous journey across mountain ranges, deserts and through kingdoms that were unknown to his culture. He also was cognizant of the thieves and bandits looking for neophytes traveling the Silk Road. But his faith and resolve was stronger than any of these obstacles.
Ignoring the emperor's decree that anyone caught leaving the empire would be put to death, Xuanzang struck out at night with a guide who ultimately turned on him and tried to kill him while he slept.
For fourteen years the intrepid Buddhist monk journeyed through China, Persia and India until he retrieved, copied and translated authentic Buddhist scriptures and returned them to China. Although the emperor was furious that Xuanzang defied his decree and left the empire he welcomed him upon his return and offered an ambassador's position to Xuanzang. Being a humble man, Xuanzang politely refused the position in lieu of translating the thousands of texts he brought back with him from India. The emperor built a temple for him and enlisted 100 monks to assist with the translations.
Xuanzang's story profoundly touches me at a deep level as it is an example of devotion, faith and the search for truth. He risked his life countless times on the treacherous Silk Road in order that others would be able to appreciate and share in his passion for accuracy, truth and perfection of the Dharma.
-Tony Garone 2013
Album Credits
Album produced by Tony Garone and William Brown
Recorded at Interdisciplinary Studios, First Wave Digital and Box Of Armageddon Studios.
All songs © copyright 2013 by Tony Garone
Annmarie Garone - vocal on “The Search for Eternal Truth”
Casey Carney - Drums and percussion on, “The Search for Eternal Truth” and “Escape from Chang’an”
Christian W. Brown - Djembe´ & Dumbek on, “On the Shores of the Ganges” Bodhran, Djembe´ and Dumbek on, “The Vale of Kashmir”, and Bodhran,& Dumbek “In the Garden of Lumbini” and Drums and Dumbek on, “Samarkand”
Tony Garone - all remaining vocals and instrumentation.
Some of the music from this album was used in the documentary film, “A Journey of the Heart” by my most wonderful friend, Ravi Verma. Many thanks to Ravi for including my music in his wonderful film! Here is the link to his site where you can watch a preview of the film and purchase the DVD: