Location: PERSIA
We dreamt of a wise and learned man
Who came to our distant mountainous land
Upon an elephant he did ride
Our standards flown for him in the azure sky
One thousand strong - we stood in awe!
Our parasols hiding us from the sun
Yet nothing his us from his light
For our sacred texts he travelled far and wide
Our venerable sage spoke highly of him -
Of his faith and his travels across this land
"In this congregation are none like him -
This great priest of China in our Kashmir!"
Instrumentation and vocals: Tony Garone
Bodhran, Djembe´ and Dumbek: Christian W. Brown
Music and lyrics ©2013 by Tony Garone
This is the first song that utilizes scales and instrumentation from India although Kashmir was not originally located in that country. Kashmir is in Northern India but was still part of Persia at the time because of this I used some Persian scales and instrumentation as well. This song is about Xuanzang entering Kashmir as a respected and well travelled scholar. He stayed in Kashmir two years because it was, and still is, a place of learning and exchanging of ideas between various religions and philosophies. I tried to make the music express the excitement of that place - a place of learning, understanding and tolerance.